When it comes to the new year everyone starts thinking about New Year’s Resolutions🤔. A lot of the ones that we think about usually involve our health in some way, such as going to the gym, exercise more, eat healthier, go on a diet, etc. But not all the resolutions that we set for our health are necessarily healthy for us. (And let’s be honest, most of the new year’s resolutions don’t even make it through the first week…😅)
So, today, I thought I’d share with you some “new year’s resolution”, that will not only benefit your health this year, but for many years to come.
These are not just for the new year, these can be started at any time of the year, at any moment. If you want to do something for your health, these are for you! And you can come back to these any time of the year. They don’t need to be called “New Year Resolutions”, why don’t we call them “New Health Resolutions”?
1. Define Your Health
We all want to be healthier. Who doesn’t?🤷♀️ But do you know what health is for you?
I’ve asked many people, “What is health?”, “Why is that healthy for you?”. I get a lot of ums and ahhs. It turns out a lot of people actually haven’t thought too deeply about this question. Maybe you are starting to wonder about it now as you are reading this…
This brings me to my next question, if you don’t know what health is for you, then how would you know what is or is not healthy?
For you to be able to really understand what is or is not healthy, and confidently make decisions for your health, you would need to first understand what health means to you.
The World Health Organization defines health, as “ a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”.. So, physical, mental and social well being is all part of health; and it’s important for you to know what these are for you. (Check out my “The Confusion of Health” blog to better help you better understand what health means).
If you want to do something healthy for yourself, why not start by defining your own health?
What does physical, mental and social wellbeing mean for you?
Once you know what defines your health, you will be able to confidently make healthy decisions for yourself.
2. Forget Food Rules
Food rules are the “dos” and “don’ts” of eating. Food rules have caused many people to have unhealthy relationships with food and with their bodies. The thing is, food rules are very normal in our society. In fact, we may apply food rules on ourselves without even consciously realising it.
Labeling food as good or bad, or saying there are foods that we should or should not eat can all be subtle ways we apply food rules in our lives.
Unfortunately, when we say to ourselves like “you cannot have chocolate, it’s bad for you” or “you can’t have more than this piece” or “you have to stick to this diet” in an attempt to control what we eat, it can end up giving the opposite effect.
There can be a rebel within us that wants to challenge the rules and break them. We can end up wrestling with the rebel within who wants to push the boundaries and break the rules and when the rules are broken, we can feel like we have no control, no discipline and be left feeling guilty and shameful. And that is not part of being healthy.
The irony is, we may not have even been eating because we actually wanted to, but only because there were rules to say we can’t, so we do…
However, if we let go of all the food rules and allowed ourselves the freedom to really choose, without wrestling with the rebel within – who has nothing to rebel against because there are no rules – then we can actually eat what we want, when we want without feeling guilty.
Doesn’t that sound a lot healthier than the guilt and shame that comes from having food rules?
3. Find Fun Ways to Move
We have all heard that exercising is good for our health, and no doubt staying physically active benefits our physical and mental wellbeing. So naturally, many people think about having new year’s resolutions about exercising more, or going to the gym (buy a gym membership…). However, this is a new year’s resolution that also doesn’t last very long. Why not? We all know it’s “good” for us so, why don’t we do it?
Perhaps when we are thinking about the things we “have” to do the rebel inside us goes “but I don’t wanna…” But what if exercise wasn’t exercise that you had to do, but just a fun way to move your body?
If instead of thinking “I have to exercise…”, think about what kind of activities you enjoy that also move your body. For example, if you like dancing, how can you make time or find opportunities to dance? It could be learning to dance from YouTube or giving yourself space to express yourself or having dance lessons. If you like meeting new people and playing sports, you could join a sports team where you can do both.
It’s about finding things you enjoy doing. That way, exercise will no longer feel like a chore you “have to do”, but instead, it would be something fun you look forward to and you just happen to be exercising at the same time, all which are beneficial for your health.
I hope these new year’s resolution ideas give you a fresh perspective on health and will help you on your health journey – this year and beyond!
If you’re looking for some time efficient ways to help you with your new year of health, check out my top 5 nutritious no-prep snacks to help you on your way.
Wishing you a wonderful and amazing new year for 2021! And hoping this year will be the best year yet for your health, your life and everything in it.
If you want to become confident in understanding and knowing how to best look after your health this year, send me an email on perri@yummybalance.com.au , to have a chat about how.