Meet Perri, the Yummy Balance Dietitian

She was taught how to calorie count, nutrition content of foods, how to manage different medical conditions through diet and the many “dos” and “don’ts” of a healthy diet. However, in the real world, knowing what one needs to do is not the same as doing it. Just because you tell someone what to do, doesn’t mean they will do it (let’s be honest, no one likes being told what to do!). After all, if everyone did what they knew was “good for them” and did as they were told, wouldn’t we all be healthy? Many know they should eat more vegetables, so why aren’t they doing it? She realised very quickly that if she REALLY wanted to help someone become healthier, she had to dig deeper to find what stops them from achieving the health they want to achieve and help them overcome it. Strict diet and food rules were not going to help people long-term, in fact they may harm them as it does not consider the person’s individual health as a whole. Furthermore, it can rob people from the enjoyment of food which, as a food lover herself, is something Perri finds very upsetting.

Perri saw her role as a health professional was not to tell people what to do per se, but to equip and empower her clients with the confidence, knowledge and skills to manage their long-term health. Health looks and feels different for everyone, so healthcare should be individualised for everyone as well.

She wants everyone to know that they are valuable, precious and worthy of care just as they are and is passionate to help them realise this and learn how to give themselves the love and care they deserve. It concerns her to see the damage caused by the diet and weight loss culture which leaves its victims feeling confused, worthless and robs them from the joy of eating. Perri’s passion is to help people gain good health and enjoy eating without guilt or fear.


- Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics, Monash University
- The Low FODMAP Diet for Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Monash University
- Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD)
- Accredited Nutritionist (AN)
- Member of Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA)

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